Thursday, 1 October 2009

29th September

I have discovered a Neo-Platonic philosopher called Plotinus that I really feel I should have read earlier.
He denies that art is a pale imitation of a more perfect nature. Instead artists struggle to invest bare matter with form and beauty. This beauty allows the artist and viewer to transcend the sensible world and discover the ‘real’ world of Forms with the ultimate goal of unifying with the One (or God). He said there were two parallel worlds: one the intelligible world of Forms, and the material world, which is a changeable image of the intelligible world. In other words, all nature is an imitation of an ideal that exists outside time and space. The goal is to get your soul to transcend through the apprehension of beauty and unify with the One and then there is ecstasy. In a way, art is more real than nature, as art goes back to the foundations of nature: the intelligible world.
I always get a sense of satisfaction when I get to use the phrase ‘outside of time and space’ in a sentence. It’s like Doctor Who. I am easily amused.
Spent today reading in the hostel, and then reading in AIM as well. I have decided I am not ready to actually write this essay, especially considering how much I have realised I need to do in order to understand Neo-Platonism. My version ain’t everyone’s version. I think my version is close to Sidney’s though, so that is at least comforting.
I still can’t sleep very well. I am averaging four hours a night. But those four hours are coming at random moments. Last night it was 1 to 3am then 5am to 7am. Not overly pleasant. I met Marie again in the computer room and we had a long chat about life, the universe and everything. Which is exactly what one should do at four in the morning: you are at your most coherent…
I have acquired a stalker. About a week or so ago I went to the Vodafone store and outside it a man came up to me and asked me if I was a student. I said yes and he said he was one too, and had seen me around the Arts Faculty. He asked for my number (they have no sense of personal information) and I said no. So he gave me his business card and offered me a lift home, which I also refused. I didn’t think about it again, but this afternoon I have had several text messages from supposedly the same guy asking me to meet him. I have no idea how he got my number. Lauren thinks he must work in Vodafone and got it that way. All her stalkers have been Reliance employees after all. I think they must have given it to him for a fee, as he wasn’t in any uniform. I hate the complete lack of private information here. If it carries on I will tell him I am going to the police or something. I am just ignoring for now.

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