Sunday, 23 August 2009

22nd August

Three weeks down, thirteen to go. It feels like I have been here three months though.
We were meant to be going to the museum today, but the illness has put paid to that idea. I think we should just take it easy today, but Lauren seems to be adamant about going out to Khan Market to find books. I suppose at least there it is not too busy and there are a lot of places to sit down and eat.  Personally, I wouldn’t mind going to Model Town to get my internet sorted out. Lauren’s came to life this morning, and I am very jealous. However, this means I can hopefully use it to skype Iain later, and that would be completely wonderful. 

Went home as feeling a little ill and my laptop all out of charge. No sooner had I finished dinner, however, than I was back in AIM. Iain managed to gather the entire flat together to speak to me over Skype. Gavia, Frances, Merlin and Dan were all there, it was great to see Gavia and Frances finally. We spoke for about two hours before we had to leave AIM in order to make it home for curfew. I was so happy to see them. Marie was giggling at me for my ridiculousness, but it really was brilliant to have something nice and familiar!

On the way home, a taxi stopped next to Marie and she just go in it! Amanda and I were completely shocked and stopped to ask what the heel she was doing, the hostel being only 75 metres at most from where we were. We couldn’t believe she just brazenly got in a cab with some man who could have taken her anywhere and done anything to her. Completely stupid and naïve. She acknowledged her silliness, and said that David and Ward had warned her about it several times as she had already done it once before. Absolutely mad: it is all very European. 

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