Friday, 25 September 2009

22nd September

Lauren is not well. This is not good. In fact, it bodes ill for the rest of us. Especially Amanda, as she is always 6 hours behind Lauren. We will see what happens today though…

Went and met my Plato lecturer about my essay and though very helpful for my understanding, he says I should speak to Shirshendu about it. So that is what I will do on Friday when I next see him. Apparently he is expert on Renaissance theory, so he is my man as they say. Turned out I had had a pretty neo-Platonic idea of Plato anyway, so it was helpful speaking to Prof Kumar nonetheless. He is also very interested in post-colonial studies, so I think we will have lots to talk about over the course of the year. Most exciting. He is going to recommend books and stuff for me to read. I think he might be edging ahead of the others in terms of my admiration.

Went to see my head of dept as well, and told him I was planning to leave at the beginning of December, so I had to do my exam as soon as exam period begun. He seemed happy with that, I don’t think he knows the term dates really to be honest. So as the song goes (or doesn’t for that matter): I am going to Goa.

After English I met Amanda and Ben for some tchai before history. It is far too hot here. I know I harp on about it, but it is hard not to when there is hardly any water, the ground is cracked like a desert and kites are circling above you in a vaguely menacing way. History was quite interesting: all about the establishment of martial races in the late 19th century and the ideologies of recruitment in to the army. I found it interesting that those people who were deemed ‘not martial’ tried their level best to claim full Aryan lineage so that they could be reinstated. It just shows the ideological impact on the natives as well: the prestige of working for the army that is there to control you.

We were going to go to Kamla Nagar after history, but Amanda’s body has caught up with Lauren’s and now she feels sick. So we went home to the hostel. Lauren looks a little better, though still quite ill. There is no food here today as the mess needs time to recover from special dinner last night, so I made myself some noodles instead and then Amanda and I went out to AIM.

After one drink we needed to go home though, as Amanda felt sick again. I feel this bodes ill. I have managed to get almost half of my English essay done though, so I am pretty happy about that. Hopefully I will have it done by the end of the week and I can do my next one all next week and then have time to meet Kapil for a bit. I can’t believe people are all coming to meet me so soon! I am so excited. There had better be jaffa cakes.

I have decided to sleep in the TV room tonight, as it has air conditioning. I was up till 5 in the morning yesterday, and I can’t sleep in this heat at all. So Lauren is coming down with me and we are going to camp out on the sofas. I have worked out that I can stretch out and have only my feet hanging off if I lie diagonally on them, which is quite impressive. I guess we will just watch movies until we can’t stay awake any more. We will have to get out of there before the cleaners catch us though, so an early start is on the cards. It is completely worth it though I think.

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